Follow the steps below if this is the first time booking a class at Sunbury Osteopathy.
If a Sunbury Osteopathy team member has created your account on your behalf and you have received an activation email, you can make a booking by following the steps listed in Booking a Class at Sunbury Osteopathy
- On the Sunbury Osteopathy website click the Book An Appointment in the menu, then Pilates and Classes
- Under Deals, select one of the Sunbury Osteopathy passes. Be sure to make use of the Free Trial pass!
- Fill in your contact details.
Your email and password will be used to make future bookings as well as manage and view your Class Passes at Sunbury Osteopathy.
- Hit Purchase and you will be navigated to your Momence account page
- To book a class, follow the steps listed in Booking a Class at Sunbury Osteopathy